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Showing posts with the label chances

Second Chances

THERE IS SO MUCH to thank for in a second chance. But certain decisions and actions in life carry with it certain finality that once made a seal of fate closes other avenues but the one before the person. And he who learned from the evils of his past will be ready to face what might meet him in that road. At the time when Ramon Credo, Sally Villanueva and Elizabeth Batain decided to carry with them illegal drugs, and knowingly so as news reports indicated, they have made a decision, and followed it up with actions, that sealed their return path behind. Whatever circumstances that forced them to do it, they have made a decision to participate indirectly in the distribution of drugs that have killed so many futures, destroyed so many families, and took so many children away from the loving embrace of their homes. Without dipping their fingers into bloody wounds, they still have blood in their hands for the fee of thousands of dollars. It is like doing a Judas with a bag of silver coins